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BMW Rosslyn Plant to export X3 SUV to 16 more African countries

The plant has produced vehicles since 1968.

Ntsako Mthethwa
June 22, 2022
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The BMW Group Plant in Rosslyn is expanding its locally-built X3 distribution footprint by adding 16 African countries to its portfolio. 

The plant situated in Rosslyn has been exporting the current-gen X3 to around 30 markets since it began production of the SUV in April 2018 following a R6.2bn investment to prepare the facility. The plant was upgraded and since then, over 300,000 units of the BMW X3 have left the plant. 

The updated BMW X3 is being produced for 16 sub-Saharan African markets, including Senegal, Nigeria, Angola, Kenya, and Ethiopia. Previously, the BMW X3 models for the aforementioned markets were sourced from the Spartanburg plant in the United States. 

“The BMW X3 remains a crucial vehicle in our global production network and now, with exports to 16 African markets, it is also critical to our success on our continent. Ours has been a long-term commitment to the development of this company and the communities it has served for close to 50 years. As such, we are honoured to have the opportunity to build BMW X3s in Africa, for Africa, too,” says 

Johan Mouton, Plant Director at BMW Group Plant Rosslyn. 

BMW Group Plant Rosslyn currently produces the third generation of the BMW X3 and is able to manufacture up to 75,000 units per year, of which 96% is exported.

 For close to 35 years, the BMW Group Plant Rosslyn has been manufacturing the BMW 3 Series. 


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